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Innovative Memory Care Therapies to Know About

It’s estimated that over 5.8 million Americans of all ages are living with Alzheimer’s or a related dementia. This number includes 5.6 million people age 65 and older. While there’s no known cure for dementia, researchers are working hard to develop effective therapies that limit the most common symptoms of dementia and help individuals experience […]

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5 Things You Didn’t Know About Independent Living

Many older adults say they want to remain independent for as long as possible. However, the decision to “age in place” isn’t as simple as it may seem. A large family home can feel empty when adult children move out. Keeping up with chores and home maintenance tasks can become overwhelming. Living alone at home […]

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Why Retirement Community Living is Good for Mind, Body, and Spirit

When some people think of retirement living, they might think of the “nursing homes” of decades past. They may imagine a cold, hospital-like setting, where older adults are isolated and have to give up their independence. However, this couldn’t be further from the truth! Today’s retirement communities are designed to be warm, homelike, and socially […]

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How to Stay Healthy and Hydrated This Winter

The winter months can make it challenging to stay healthy. When the weather is frigid, we spend more time indoors, which can make us more vulnerable to dehydration, dry skin, and illnesses like colds or the flu. Luckily, these problems don’t have to be part of life during the winter. Here are some ways to […]

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3 Great Ways to Grow Your Social Circle in Retirement

“The language of friendship is not words but meanings.” – Henry David Thoreau Friendship is something that we all need at every stage in our lives. Our friends give our lives meaning, comfort, and joy, helping to prevent loneliness and isolation. Dear friends aren’t just good for the soul; they’re also good for our health. […]

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Making Mealtimes Enjoyable in Memory Care Communities

Mealtimes are an important part of our daily routine. Beyond providing nourishment to our bodies, food also gives us an opportunity to interact with others and form meaningful connections. Some of the best moments in life are shared around a table with friends and family! We all need and desire positive dining experiences, and that […]

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Making Valentine’s Day Special for a Loved One with Dementia

Valentine’s Day is all about expressing appreciation for the ones we love. If you have a loved one with Alzheimer’s disease or another form of dementia, you might be wondering how to celebrate the holiday together. As the disease progresses, individuals with dementia may not be able to remember certain details about their life. However, […]

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Retirement Your Way: How to Decide Where to Spend Your Retirement

As you’ve saved and planned for your retirement over the years, the thought “Where should I retire?” has probably crossed your mind. The reality is, there’s no one right answer to this question—it all depends on your personal interests, needs, and priorities. Whether you choose to downsize to a smaller home in the same town […]

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What’s New in Memory Care?

When it’s time to find memory care and support for a loved one, you might not know what to expect, especially if you’ve never visited a memory care community before. Like many people, you may even have outdated ideas of what memory care is really like. The truth is, memory care has changed tremendously over […]

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