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Meeting Spiritual Needs in Retirement Living: The Faith-Based Difference

For many people, spirituality is a large part of their daily lives. But spiritual wellness encompasses more than religion; it also includes seeking meaning and purpose through meditation and prayer, as well as an appreciation of beauty, nature, and life. As we get older, our beliefs can become even more important to us. And with […]

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How to Choose Safe Footwear for Older Adults

According to the National Council on Aging, falls are the most dangerous health and safety risk older adults face today. Falls are the number one cause of fatal and non-fatal injuries among Americans over the age of 65, and of those who fall, two-thirds will fall again within six months. Even older adults who are […]

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Dance Your Way to Better Brain Health

When was the last time you laced up your dancing shoes? Maybe you were inspired to hit the dance floor at a wedding or holiday party. Or perhaps you remember a time when dancing wasn’t just for special occasions—when everyone knew how to dance the waltz, polka, twist, and Charleston. Social dancing is much less […]

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5 Essential Skin Care Tips for Older Adults

It’s a fact of life that as we age, our skin ages, too. Over time, our skin loses collagen and elastin, which causes our skin to lose some of its natural elasticity. Our skin also becomes more delicate as we age, which may cause dryness and increase the risk of fine lines, wrinkles, and age […]

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Checklist: What to Bring When Moving a Parent to Assisted Living

Are you getting ready to help your parent move into an assisted living community? If so, you may be wondering what to pack. Because assisted living apartments are limited on space, your parent will need to streamline their belongings down to just the essentials. Chances are, your parent has lived in the same home for […]

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5 Benefits of Memory Care for Older Adults

If you’re caring for a senior loved one with Alzheimer’s or dementia, you know the importance of keeping them safe and comfortable. But there comes a point when a person with Alzheimer’s disease or dementia may need a greater level of care than can be provided at home, even with the support of a family […]

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National Physical Therapy Month 2019: Choose Physical Therapy

October is National Physical Therapy Month, an annual campaign led by the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) to raise awareness of the benefits of physical therapy. This year, the APTA selected the theme “Choose PT” to encourage people to choose physical therapy as a way to improve mobility, manage pain, recover from injury, and prevent […]

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5 Myths About Aging to Stop Believing

Did you know? The number of Americans aged 65 and older is expected to double from 46 million to more than 98 million by 2060. That’s why it’s more important than ever to understand the dynamics of the aging process. While recent scientific advances have allowed us to gather accurate information about aging, there are […]

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Downsizing? What to Keep, Store and Toss When Moving to a Retirement Community

Moving to a retirement community is an exciting time. It’s a chance for a fresh start in a smaller, easier-to-manage space. But when it comes to sorting through your possessions and packing up for the move, it can be difficult to know where to start. Just the idea of sorting through decades of memories and […]

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5 Tips for Choosing a Senior Rehabilitation Center

After being discharged from the hospital following an injury, or illness, or planned surgery such as a joint replacement, older adults are often referred to a short-term rehabilitation center by their doctor. These senior rehab centers are comforting, calming environments where older adults can continue their recovery and therapy treatments before safely returning home. As […]

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