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What’s the Difference Between Independent Living vs. 55 Plus Communities?

A middle-aged couple relaxing together at home with the wife lying back against her husband as she reads a book while he surfs the internet on a tablet

You may be surprised by the number of housing and lifestyle options available to older adults today. However, this doesn’t always make it easier to decide the type of living situation that’s right for you or a loved one.  There are many factors to consider when choosing where to settle and enjoy your golden years. […]

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Staying in your home or moving to a senior community? Pros & Cons

Two senior living couples walking together

As you age, there are important decisions to make surrounding your lifestyle. Whether you decide to stay in your home or move into a senior living community, it’s essential that you understand the pros and cons of each option so you can be confident with whatever decision you choose. We’ll discuss how each option impacts […]

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Choosing Between a 55+ Community and a Continuing Care Retirement Community

Retirement marks a new beginning — for many, that includes a new home. Maybe you’re looking for fewer homeownership responsibilities or more opportunities for friendships and fun. Both can be found in senior living communities; however, not all communities are created equal. What’s the Difference Between a 55+ Community and a Continuing Care Community? At […]

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Long-Distance Caregiving for Aging Parents: How to Plan for the Future Together

Caring for an aging parent or loved one can be challenging, but it’s even more difficult when you live in another city or state. According to the National Institute on Aging, if you live more than an hour away from a person who needs your care, you’re a long distance caregiver. Like local caregivers, long-distance […]

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What’s the Difference Between Independent Living and Assisted Living?

It’s a common question: What’s the difference between independent living and assisted living? While these two types of senior living may sound similar, there are some key differences to note. If you’re beginning to search for the right senior living option for yourself or a loved one, understanding the basics of independent and assisted living […]

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5 Benefits of Apartment Living for Seniors

An older woman holding a cup of coffee in her hands while she sits on her couch, smiling at the camera

Moving on to a new stage of life can be an exciting experience. Finding the right community and living situation for yourself or your loved one to move on to retirement depends on your unique needs. While seniors often have a stand alone home in mind when looking at independent living options, apartment living provides […]

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10 Ways Senior Communities Promote Health & Wellness

A group of seniors putting their hands together

Senior communities are among the most popular choice for older adults who want to continue to live independently. They provide living for seniors with health, wellness, and highly personalized care.  Aging in place is not always an option for many seniors. With age comes many challenges, including health concerns and disability.  Aging well or successful […]

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