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Why Senior Apartments Are a Smart Choice

An older couple sitting together on a couch in their apartment while cuddling

Senior living can be enriching and full of life. Apartments designed for seniors allow for independent living within a supportive community of fast friends and staff. There may be a lot of misconceptions about whether senior living is the best choice, but senior apartments can help you alleviate stress, focus on the things you enjoy, […]

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Choosing Assisted Living: 5 Questions Your Family Should Ask

An older woman holding a cup of coffee in her hands while she sits on her couch, smiling at the camera

If you’re concerned about the safety of your parent living alone, or if your parent requires more daily assistance than you can provide, it may be wise to begin looking at an assisted living community. In assisted living, residents live independently but receive assistance with daily activities such as medication management, grooming, bathing, and getting dressed. […]

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Limited Mobility Exercises for Seniors

A nurse assists a senior living resident with some upper body stretches

Staying engaged with daily exercise can pose a challenge as we age and our physical abilities decline. However, regular exercise can maintain physical and mental health, help improve mobility and reduce the risk of falls. Older adults in senior living communities can remain mobile by taking advantage of outdoor walking paths and fitness facilities. Even […]

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Transitioning to Assisted Living: What to Expect

A woman takes a walk with her father, down a path while she holds onto his arm

Choosing to move into assisted living is a life-changing decision. The transition extends from the initial conversation to well after move-in is complete. It’s an exciting and transformative time in a senior’s life to get acquainted with assisted living. Assisted living at Bethany Village is a fulfilling next step when independent living is becoming too […]

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How to Choose the Right Home Healthcare Provider

A female home healthcare employee assisting a male patient with his coffee

Are you currently looking for a home healthcare provider for yourself or a loved one for care after a planned surgery or hospitalization? To find the right home healthcare provider for you, we’ve put together several suggestions. Check your provider’s pedigree How long has your home healthcare provider been in business? Is it new to […]

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What’s the Difference Between Independent Living vs. 55 Plus Communities?

A middle-aged couple relaxing together at home with the wife lying back against her husband as she reads a book while he surfs the internet on a tablet

You may be surprised by the number of housing and lifestyle options available to older adults today. However, this doesn’t always make it easier to decide the type of living situation that’s right for you or a loved one.  There are many factors to consider when choosing where to settle and enjoy your golden years. […]

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Staying in your home or moving to a senior community? Pros & Cons

Two senior living couples walking together

As you age, there are important decisions to make surrounding your lifestyle. Whether you decide to stay in your home or move into a senior living community, it’s essential that you understand the pros and cons of each option so you can be confident with whatever decision you choose. We’ll discuss how each option impacts […]

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