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Category: Health & Wellness

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Limited Mobility Exercises for Seniors

A nurse assists a senior living resident with some upper body stretches

Staying engaged with daily exercise can pose a challenge as we age and our physical abilities decline. However, regular exercise can maintain physical and mental health, help improve mobility and reduce the risk of falls. Older adults in senior living communities can remain mobile by taking advantage of outdoor walking paths and fitness facilities. Even […]

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Long-Distance Caregiving for Aging Parents: How to Plan for the Future Together

Caring for an aging parent or loved one can be challenging, but it’s even more difficult when you live in another city or state. According to the National Institute on Aging, if you live more than an hour away from a person who needs your care, you’re a long distance caregiver. Like local caregivers, long-distance […]

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10 Ways Senior Communities Promote Health & Wellness

A group of seniors putting their hands together

Senior communities are among the most popular choice for older adults who want to continue to live independently. They provide living for seniors with health, wellness, and highly personalized care.  Aging in place is not always an option for many seniors. With age comes many challenges, including health concerns and disability.  Aging well or successful […]

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Home for the Holidays? 5 Signs to Look for When Visiting Senior Loved Ones

Hispanic mother and adult daughter hugging

If you’re visiting long-distant senior loved ones for the holidays, pay attention to these signs they may need a little extra help. […]

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Giving Thanks is Good for You! The Power of Gratitude and Positive Aging

With the Thanksgiving holiday upon us this week, gratitude is on all of our minds. Now is the time of year when we tend to pause, reflect on our blessings, and give thanks for all we have. But did you know that there are many benefits to expressing gratitude not just during Thanksgiving, but all […]

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5 Things to Consider Before Moving Aging Parents Into Your Home

When your aging parent can no longer safely live alone in their home, your first instinct might be to invite them to move in with you. If so, you’re not alone. According to a 2015 report from AARP on caregiving in America, more than one in three older adults who receive caregiver support from a […]

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