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Graceworks at Home: Bad Oral Hygiene Can Hurt Elders’ Well-Being

Bad oral hygiene can hurt elders’ well-being Dayton Daily News | June 5, 2017 Marci Vandersluis | When working at a skilled nursing facility, one of the biggest frustrations voiced by our families and residents was the lack of staff diligence in assisting with oral hygiene. We really tried to improve our care when […]

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Local Summer Activities to Enjoy with Seniors

Summer is the perfect time to enjoy everything the city of Dayton has to offer. That’s why we’ve compiled a list of summer events that older adults are sure to enjoy, right here in the area. Many retirement communities schedule outings to local events and even offer complimentary transportation so residents don’t need to worry […]

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How to Recognize and Prevent Senior Dehydration

As we enter the summer months, it’s more important than ever to recognize and prevent the symptoms of dehydration, especially in seniors. Chronic senior dehydration may lead to health risks such as urinary tract infections, impaired cognition, dizziness, falls, and in extreme cases, organ failure. Help your loved ones stay hydrated and happy with this […]

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3 Strategies to Help Your Loved One with Hearing Loss

Hearing loss is one of the most common senior health issues, with approximately 37.5 million American adults experiencing some degree of hearing loss as they age. While certain devices are revolutionizing how hearing loss is treated, there are certain communication strategies you can adopt to help your loved ones with hearing loss. Body language matters […]

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4 Fun Summer Activities to Enjoy with Grandchildren

  Summer is finally here, and it’s the perfect season for grandparents to bond with their grandchildren. With school out of session, there’s plenty to do while enjoying quality time together. Get ready for some fun in the sun with these summer activities to enjoy with grandchildren. Start a garden together Gardening is a fun, […]

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5 Ideas for Celebrating Memorial Day with Seniors

Memorial Day was originally called Decoration Day and became a federal holiday after the American Civil War to commemorate the soldiers who died in the war. By the 20th century, Memorial Day was extended to honor all Americans who died while serving in our country’s armed forces. Nearly one in four seniors is a veteran, […]

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What’s the Real Risk of Senior Isolation?

Feelings of loneliness and isolation can pose serious physical and emotional health risks for seniors. According to research on isolation in seniors, 18% of seniors live alone, and 43% report feeling lonely on a daily basis. Luckily, there are ways to recognize the warning signs of isolation, and prevent or reduce feelings of loneliness in […]

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