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Embrace Spring! 5 Spring Activities for Seniors

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Embrace Spring! 5 Spring Activities for Seniors

After a long, chilly winter, it’s a great feeling to know that spring is on its way. As the weather warms up, there’s no better time to get some fresh air, soak up the sunshine, and embrace all that spring has to offer!  Shake off the winter blues with one of these fun springtime activities: […]

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Why Retirement Community Living is Good for Mind, Body, and Spirit

When some people think of retirement living, they might think of the “nursing homes” of decades past. They may imagine a cold, hospital-like setting, where older adults are isolated and have to give up their independence. However, this couldn’t be further from the truth! Today’s retirement communities are designed to be warm, homelike, and socially […]

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How to Stay Healthy and Hydrated This Winter

The winter months can make it challenging to stay healthy. When the weather is frigid, we spend more time indoors, which can make us more vulnerable to dehydration, dry skin, and illnesses like colds or the flu. Luckily, these problems don’t have to be part of life during the winter. Here are some ways to […]

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Checklist: How to Prepare for a Meeting at a Retirement Community

Choosing a continuing-care retirement community for yourself or a loved one is a big decision that requires careful research. Most of the time, families start their search online by looking up nearby retirement communities and comparing the options. However, you can’t evaluate a retirement community just by looking at its website. After you’ve done your […]

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7 Holiday Gift Ideas for Loved Ones in Senior Living

The season of giving is upon us! If you’re still looking for a holiday gift that your older loved one will enjoy, we’re here to help. Here’s a list of seven thoughtful gifts your loved one is sure to use and appreciate: #1: Digital photo frame If your loved one has recently downsized to a […]

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Giving Thanks: The Power of Gratitude

As Thanksgiving approaches, we’re all reminded to pause and take a moment to count our blessings. But did you know that there are many benefits to expressing our gratitude not just during Thanksgiving, but all year long? As it turns out, gratitude is powerful. According to Dr. Robert Emmons, a gratitude researcher, practicing gratitude magnifies […]

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How to Make the Most of Retirement Community Tours

Choosing a retirement community is no small feat. Moving to a community is an important and life-changing decision for older adults and their families alike, and it takes time and research to find the best fit. Faced with numerous options and choices, many people start the search online. But just as you can’t judge a […]

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Meeting Spiritual Needs in Retirement Living: The Faith-Based Difference

For many people, spirituality is a large part of their daily lives. But spiritual wellness encompasses more than religion; it also includes seeking meaning and purpose through meditation and prayer, as well as an appreciation of beauty, nature, and life. As we get older, our beliefs can become even more important to us. And with […]

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