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Giving Thanks is Good for You! The Power of Gratitude and Positive Aging

With the Thanksgiving holiday upon us this week, gratitude is on all of our minds. Now is the time of year when we tend to pause, reflect on our blessings, and give thanks for all we have. But did you know that there are many benefits to expressing gratitude not just during Thanksgiving, but all […]

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6 Tips for Celebrating Thanksgiving with Senior Loved Ones

Senior adults taking a picture of themselves

Thanksgiving is quickly approaching, and we’re all looking forward to enjoying great food, time-honored traditions, and sharing time with loved ones near and far. Whether you’re visiting an older loved one in a senior living community or hosting a gathering at home, you might be wondering how to make this year’s celebration extra special for […]

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Celebrating Caregivers: November is National Family Caregivers Month

Shot of a woman spending time with her elderly motherhttp://

National Family Caregivers Month, celebrated each November, is a time to recognize, honor, and support the millions of people who provide care for family members across the country. According to a report from the AARP and the National Alliance on Caregiving, nearly one in five people provides unpaid care to an adult, and 46% of […]

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Help for the Holidays: The Benefits of a Respite Care Stay this Holiday Season

Close-up of a senior hands on a New Year’s Eve. Senior woman is helping 80 years old woman at nursing home.

How can respite care help you and your loved one during the holiday season? Here’s a look at some of the many benefits of a holiday respite care stay at Bethany Village! […]

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4 Autumn Safety Tips for Seniors

The air is crisp and cool, the leaves are changing, and pumpkins are everywhere. Fall is here! Although autumn is one of the most beautiful times of the year, the change of seasons can also present several health and safety hazards for seniors. In preparation for the coming colder months, here are some helpful tips […]

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How Does Senior Living Support Active Aging?

Although getting older is inevitable, there’s more than one way to approach the idea of aging. Thanks to an emerging trend in senior living known as “active aging,” today’s seniors are not just living longer — they’re living better. Active aging is all about taking steps to stay healthy in mind and body so seniors […]

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Age is Just a Number: The Power of Positivity and Healthy Aging

Feeling “young at heart” is more than just a saying. It’s a powerful mindset that can actually impact our health and wellbeing as we get older. Studies have found that seniors who feel younger than their actual age may even live longer compared with those who feel their age! By adopting healthy habits and an […]

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