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How Feeling Young at Heart Impacts Overall Health

Several studies have found that being “young at heart” is not just a feeling, but a mindset that can lead to positive outcomes for our health and wellbeing. When our self-perceived age is younger than our actual age—even by just a few years—it may help us live longer, healthier, and happier lives. Here’s are some […]

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When is the Right Time to Move to Independent Living?

How do you envision spending your retirement years? If you’re like most other retirees, you’re probably looking forward to traveling, meeting new friends, and trying out new hobbies. After all, retirement is supposed to be a time filled with rest, relaxation, and fun.  Unfortunately, many retirees find themselves limited by their current living situation. The […]

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Embracing the Digital Era: How Tech Can Enhance the Quality of Life for Older Adults

Historically, older adults have been late adopters to new technology, but recent research shows that seniors are embracing digital devices like never before. According to a report from Pew Research Center, Americans ages 60 and older spend more than half of their daily leisure time on electronic devices such as computers, tablets, and smartphones—that’s more […]

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National Grandparents Day: 5 Ways to Celebrate This Year

Our grandparents hold a special place in our hearts. They’re a source of comfort, love, and encouragement throughout many stages of our lives. So, with National Grandparents Day quickly approaching, now is a perfect time to honor and celebrate the grandparents in our lives. National Grandparents Day was first declared a national holiday by President […]

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2019 Malachi W Sloan II Scholarship Winners Announced

The following individuals received a 2019 Malachi W Sloan II Scholarship: Chrystal Fox Maranda Hess Amy Honious Matthew Kenney Allyssa Kiesewetter Vincent Osei Bentley Peed Messhilah Powell Jana Sampson Kaitlyn Slate Taylor Whitegrass Amanda Young The Malachi W Sloan II Scholarship is open to current full-time, part-time and PRN Bethany Village Resident Care Technicians (RCT’s) […]

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7 Decorating Ideas for a Senior Apartment

After researching and touring assisted living communities, you’ve helped your aging parent decide to downsize to a senior apartment. Now, it’s time to support your parent through the process of moving into their new space. One of the best ways to ease the transition to assisted living for your parent is by making their apartment […]

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How to Talk to Siblings About an Aging Parent’s Care Needs

Watching our parents grow older is a part of life, but that doesn’t make it any easier. Over time, it’s natural for family roles to reverse as adult children become the caregivers for their aging parents. It could be that your mom or dad just needs a little help around the home, or maybe they […]

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Top Tips for Transitioning Home After Short-Term Rehab

After being discharged from the hospital due to an illness, injury, or surgery such as a hip or knee replacement, many older adults need to stay in a short-term inpatient rehabilitation center to continue their therapy treatment. Spending time in a short-term senior rehab facility allows older adults to receive round-the-clock care, treatment, and support […]

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What’s Trending in Today’s Independent Living Communities?

As more and more older adults reach retirement age, independent living communities are adjusting to reflect the next generation’s needs and preferences. From design updates to changes in the services and amenities offered within the community, modern independent living communities are continually evolving. Let’s take a look at some of the top trends you can […]

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New Research Shows How Continuing-Care Retirement Communities Improve Quality of Life for Older Adults

A national research project called the “Age Well Study” is underway, and a new report has revealed some promising early findings about the benefits of living at “life plan” communities, otherwise known as continuing-care retirement communities (CCRCs). The five-year longitudinal study is the first of its kind to evaluate the effect of living in a […]

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