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3 Top Benefits of At-Home Care

Our homes provide a sense of comfort, familiarity, and stability. That’s why many older adults would prefer to “age in place” and continue living in their homes as long as possible. However, illnesses, injuries, and other health concerns can make it more challenging to safely age in place, especially for those who live alone. One […]

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How Do Social Connections Support Healthy Aging?

Most of us know that regular exercise and eating a well-balanced diet are important for our overall health and wellness as we get older. But research is revealing that there’s another essential factor that influences healthy aging: our social connections. Having social support from family and friends is related to higher self-esteem, better mental health, […]

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How is Art Therapy Used in Memory Care?

Chances are, you first experienced the fun and freedom of creating art at a young age. As children, art is one of the first ways we learn to express ourselves and explore the world around us. As we get older, our need for the stimulation, joy, and sense of satisfaction that comes from creative expression […]

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3 Myths About Memory and Aging

By the year 2030, it’s projected that one in five Americans will be over the age of 65. Yet even as the U.S. population gets older and researchers begin to understand more about the aging process, there are still some myths and negative stereotypes surrounding memory and aging. Today, we’re shedding some light on the […]

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Top Questions to Ask When Researching Assisted Living

When living alone is no longer the best option for your parent or older loved one, it may be time to consider the benefits of moving to an assisted living community. Today’s assisted living communities are designed with safety and comfort in mind, providing older adults with the extra daily assistance and support they need […]

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The Taste of Summer: Healthy Summer Snack Choices

Eating a well-balanced diet is an essential part of our overall health and wellness, especially as we get older. In addition to making smart food choices for meals, it’s important to eat wholesome, satisfying snacks throughout the day. Including a combination of fruits, veggies, and protein in your diet is a great way to stay […]

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What are the Benefits of Respite Care?

Are you the primary caregiver for an aging parent or loved one? If so, you’re not alone. More than one in five American adults — 53 million in total — provide unpaid care for a family member, assisting with everything from transportation to grooming, dressing, and medication management. Being a caregiver is a significant commitment […]

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How is Music Therapy Used in Memory Care?

There’s no denying that music is powerful. Hearing just a few notes of a familiar song can transport us back in time, stir up emotions, and evoke memories from the past. This is why music therapy is so effective for older adults with Alzheimer’s disease or other forms of dementia. In memory care settings, music […]

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Fighting Back Against Parkinson’s: The Benefits of Rock Steady Boxing

Parkinson’s disease is a complex condition. While many people recognize the disease by its name, there are still myths and misconceptions surrounding the nature of Parkinson’s and the interventions available to help improve quality of life for those with a diagnosis, such as Rock Steady Boxing. What is Parkinson’s disease? Nearly one million people in […]

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