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Retirement Living: Spring is the Perfect Time to Make the Move!

Spring serves as an excellent reminder of the joy of new beginnings. It can motivate us to start fresh and embrace opportunities for change. For many retirees, one of those changes is downsizing to make room for life’s next chapter. […]

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Embrace Spring! 5 Spring Activities for Seniors

After a long, chilly winter, it’s a great feeling to know that spring is on its way. As the weather warms up, there’s no better time to get some fresh air, soak up the sunshine, and embrace all that spring has to offer!  Shake off the winter blues with one of these fun springtime activities: […]

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It’s Never Too Late to Learn: The Value of Lifelong Learning

Learning can happen even after your years in school. If you have a desire to learn and grow, you can make learning a lifetime pursuit!  Lifelong learning is a powerful way to stay engaged, challenged, and connected to the world around us, especially as we get older. Here are three great reasons to embrace a […]

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