Long-term romantic relationships are known to have a significant positive effect on our mental and emotional wellbeing, but they can also impact our health as well. Research demonstrates that our relationships can even help stave off the risk of chronic diseases and health problems. A study found that when compared to single or divorced adults, […]
A Good Night’s Sleep: Understanding Sleep Changes in Older Adults
We all know the feeling of a good night’s sleep. When you sleep well, you wake up feeling healthy, refreshed, and ready to start the day. But when you don’t have a well-rested night, you might feel sluggish, tired, and irritable. If you find yourself having trouble falling asleep and staying asleep throughout the night, […]
Ask the Experts: What to Expect in Post-Hospital Rehabilitation
After being discharged from the hospital due to an illness, injury, or elective surgery, many older adults are referred by their doctor to an inpatient senior rehabilitation facility, where they receive therapy services and medical care before returning home. But many times, older adults and their families feel intimidated or overwhelmed at the prospect of […]
National Pet Month: 4 Incredible Benefits of Pets for Seniors
Pet lovers already know that interacting with animals adds companionship, comfort, and meaning to our lives. But science says that owning a pet is good for you, too! Research on human-animal relationships is fairly new, but recent studies indicate that pets provide a variety of mental, physical, and emotional health benefits to humans, ranging from […]
Drink Up! The Importance of Staying Hydrated
Did you know that more than sixty percent of the average human body weight is water? It’s true–our bodies depend on water to function properly and keep us feeling our best. Without enough water, we experience dehydration, a condition with serious health consequences. Unfortunately, dehydration is a common senior health risk. Because older adults tend […]
4 Science-Backed Reasons to Read More Books
In today’s digital age, it comes to no surprise to learn that electronic screens are beating books in the battle for our attention. According to a survey by the Pew Research Foundation, about a quarter of U.S. adults reported that they haven’t read a book (in whole or in part) in the past 12 months, […]
Ask the Experts: What is the Food Like in Senior Living?
There’s no doubt that food plays an essential role in our lives. Not only is food a source of nutrition and energy, but it’s also a major part of daily social gatherings, special events, and holiday celebrations. Everyone has his or her favorite dish, along with fond memories of sharing meals with family and friends. […]
Amazing Reasons to Stay Socially Active at Any Age
Humans are social creatures by nature. We’re drawn to connect with other people and form close friendships and relationships. But as we grow older, it’s normal for our social circles to start to shrink. After leaving the working world, many retirees find that they have less face-to-face interaction with others, especially if they live alone. […]
Why Today’s Retirees Are Choosing Independent Living
For older adults who want to enjoy a relaxing retirement without extra responsibilities, independent living offers a private home, convenient amenities, and a laid-back lifestyle. Now more than ever, retirees are choosing to relocate from their longtime homes to a new, easier-to-maintain residence within an independent living community. Here are some compelling reasons why independent […]
National Parkinson’s Awareness Month: Living Well with Parkinson’s
April is National Parkinson’s Awareness Month, a time to raise public awareness about Parkinson’s disease and support the ongoing research for a cure. According to the Parkinson’s Foundation, approximately 60,000 Americans are diagnosed with Parkinson’s every year, and it is estimated that nearly one million people will be living with Parkinson’s disease by the year […]