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3 Ways to Ease the Transition to Independent Living

Moving from a long-time home to a new, easier-to-manage residence in an independent living community is a major transition for older adults. Like any big change or shift in life, relocating can be uncomfortable, even when you’re looking forward to all the amenities and benefits that come with independent living! Thankfully, there are many ways […]

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What are the Best Pets for Older Adults?

Pets fill a very special role in our lives, providing companionship, joy, acceptance, and unconditional love. Interaction with animals can also offer significant mental, physical, and emotional health benefits for people of all ages, particularly older adults. Today, let’s take a look at the mutually beneficial relationship between pets and seniors. Pets and Health If […]

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Dealing with the Emotional Side of Downsizing

There are countless benefits to moving to an Independent Living community, where retirees enjoy easier-to-manage living spaces and daily opportunities for fun with friends. However, the idea of the stress and effort involved in sorting through decades of memories and belongings can lead many older adults to delay the process of downsizing. There’s no need […]

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What to Do with Sentimental Items when Moving to Independent Living

Moving and downsizing is made easier with these helpful tips for organizing and streamlining your belongings. […]

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