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3 Big Trends Shaping the Future of Independent Living

The “Baby Boomer” generation is often considered the most influential generation of the 20th century and for a good reason. They represent one of the largest parts of the American population! It’s estimated that 10,000 baby boomers are reaching retirement age every day. And as they grow older, this generation is continuing to set trends.  […]

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Important Message Regarding Visitors to Licensed Areas of Bethany Village

Family members of Bethany Village residents who reside in our nursing home, assisted living and short-term rehab facility will receive this communication. Social media is often the fastest means of communication, so we are sharing this letter with the larger community as well: We want to update you on the proactive approach Bethany Village is […]

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Helpful Tips for a Smooth Transition to Memory Care

Moving a loved one to an assisted living memory care community is a significant life change. While you know you’re making the right decision for your loved one’s wellbeing, you may start to feel overwhelmed as moving day approaches. It’s natural to feel this way, but thankfully, there are many things you can do to […]

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